After J & 39; have achieved & 39, I have my first ... Can another ... And another ... J & 39; began, obsessed with product creation.
And & c 39, is the subject of this circular d & 39; information is to create your own product. I will show you 19 ways to create your own products quickly.
But before I do, I wanted to talk some things.
1st - not the whole job themselves (what we, when we talked about before the issue Au & 39; outsourcing)
2nd - the key is the quality of the content ... The & 39; nd & 39; has no meaning if it in the house from your camcorder, or call registered ... If the content of high quality - your customers will be amazed you.
I paid $ 50 for a DVD weightlifting l & 39; other day, and when I was on ... The scene is & 39; opening black.
Then you heard the guys say & quot woman, I see nothing more. & Quot;
A seconds later, the man said: You have interest & quot; to meet the cap of & 39; target for the reduction of honey! & Quot;
You then meet after his Couronner lens, and he started teaching.
Now that the quality was terrible, but the content was unbelievable. I have done & 39 d & 39; buy all 6 DVD in the series BECAUSE THE CONTENT WAS SO GOOD!
I know quite a few people who take leave to do everything possible to see to professional. I have a friend & 39; thousands of dollars turning and & 39; production of a DVD (s & 39; what is a very pleasant BTW) - but l & 39; its entire budget Dedicated to the subject, and n & 39; had left, no more moolah on the market product.
He & 39;-has still not that their investment back .
My It is not & 39; products, which are crap - but to the highest quality of the content as possible, and enjoy your subscribers. J & 39, where now go back to my old products, repackaging and now, now I can to.
3rd - just do it. Do you remember before my motto " Ready, fire, Tor. & Quot; l Get & 39; product idea, the production and the effort there as quickly as possible. L & 39; speed money, and if you are not & 39; nd & 39; quickly you lose out.
Another due & 39; it quickly, because what if your product is a flop? Another important lesson in & 39; failure quickly. I know of a person who had d & 39; try to sell the same ebook for 5 years, I have & 39; known to him absolutely no success.
Like my friend Marlon Sanders said, Dead Ducks not & quot; Quecke! & Quot; If you are a dead duck - on something new - FAST!
4th - People pay different prices for the same content in different delivered ways.
What I will say, c & 39; is that you sell an ebook for $ 27. Well, if you exactly the same as the content, save & 39, in a book on CD " & quot; - you can even sell content (in a different format), for a lot more -- usually $ 97 or more.
Now say that you want to go until the next step ... What to do if you are with & 39; audio and text, and the combination with a video. You could camtasia a video, which shows that from the book reads like the & 39; audio them.
Or l & 39; interim report, a draft of the text, and save you teach the concepts ...
There are a million possibilities, from the forms of content - N & 39, but do not forget that people pay more to & 39; audio & 39;, although they Text ... And even more so for the video, then they will not audio.
Ok - now c & 39; n & 39; be excluded from the street - we come to work.
Here are 19 possibilities, Product:
1st - software development - Creating software is & 39; one of the means that the easiest way to a product quickly. You can do something for nearly all slots. J & 39; have a customer who is a book about public interpretation of dreams - & 39; so that someone he & 39;, a software under $ 100, the l & 39; user can enter a password, and if that interpretation is not in the book, and it shows & 39; n & 39; for end users.
2nd - common - c & 39; is one of my favorite games! These are & quot; works & quot; in which the rights of & 39; author expired. You are in a position to take it and re-package and sell as your own products!
3rd - Interviews - interviewer EACH an expert in land sale and the records and / or transcriptions. C & 39, and the best way is an expert in all fields - and just interview, the experts and the people, you see how one of the them.
4th - Seminar videos - bring your own seminar, & amp , 39; pictures with a video camera and sell footage.
5th - Re-niche content - if you have a product to sell (or buy & 39, and the rights to a product) - you can again niche for a different audience. An example would be if you have a book on the speed of playback in a new market segment to & quot; playback speed for the students. & Quot;
6th - books on CD - save the reading of your book and the sale of cd.
7th - Resource CD - a list of resources for a particular market segment, and sell the inventory. J & 39; personally bought the funds on the additions and directories, which also & 39, a & quot; spies & quot; stuff. (I know - I am a)
8th - recyclers content - to make products or content you in the past and the reuse. J & 39; uses this blog post a circular d & 39; information, an article, perhaps a chapter in a forthcoming book ... Recyclers what you do, now.
9th - Camtasia video - c & 39; l & 39; is one of the most powerful tools for online marketing. Creating catches d & 39; screen videos of everything you can do on your computer. Software Demos - PowerPoint slides, like ... Nothing computer. Think about how moolah & 39; & quot; computer professor & quot; by the & quot; as & quot; for the various videos of Microsoft products.
10th - Idea collection - combine a list of d & 39; ideas and sell them. & 39; I have friends who sell online, the list of ideas of how to do this, the & 39; money quickly, as you clean your carpet, as the maintenance of the lawns, etc.. .
11th - Other experts emphasize content - and the other for their articles or audio or vidoes, compile and in a product. & 39; I pointed my products with a ring struggle. J & 39; had, the people, their best stories, photos and poems, and compile in a product.
12th - podcasts - like a radio program that you can download online. Have paid podcasts - register or a package, and then the records and put them on CD.
13th - composition sites - residual income, if people come to pay and time again to access your website & 39; accession. You can check the contents of your Web pages candidate - or to the software, the people to pay each month use.
14th - Tele seminar - it is sufficient if you register when you ask someone & 39; one or l & 39; teaching on a subject that you know very well. The majority of my products, with a certain kind of teleseminar.
15th - Ghost Writers - & 39; someone set a (outsourcing still think), to write a book on the topic that you want sell.
16th - Free coaching calls - l &; 39; free training for its members, monitoring the progress and then the records in a product.
17th - Master Mind rounds of talks - urges a group of experts & 39; the same time, and to the talks on the issue - the complete record thing, and you have a moment!
18th - Private Label - Like in the public sector, but in most cases, without & 39; intention to sell it with a legal & 39; author. A million opportunities & 39; MDD stuff. Most people do not succeed, because this & 39; try to sell the contents & quot; l & 39; state & quot;. Make sure that you and you get a ton of success with these.
19th - Case studies - l & 39; one of the best products that I have purchased & 39 and this year the 12 -- hours d & 39, case studies. The teachers of the course of hundreds of cases compiled for the question we learned to know and then, as they all worked.
Ok - there are 19 ideas. Let us hope that it gives you an impression of your first product.
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About , 39, Author: Russell Brunson summer a success of the marketing of the Internet & 39; over the last 4 years, he has actively help d & 39; other people achieve their goals Online. & 39; Further information can be found on Internet marketing in & quot; & gt;
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